If you wish to contact us about anything regarding this label or if you're a musician that wishes to send in a project or a demo or something, here's our email:

As of right now, we are pretty much fine with whatever stuff you all throw at us, as long as it doesn't blow up in our faces and/or scar us for life.
However, there are some stuff that we should probably go over if you intend on becoming one with this little vastly growing (ok, well not really) community that we host here.
Rather than bore you with a ToS styled manuscript, here's a checklist with some notes to refer to.

- I and my music do not promote any bigoted lifestyles or views of any kind (racism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia, zionism, ablelism etc).

- I'm not too picky or entitled over how my stuff is handled.

- I've got no problems with having my music lumped in with whatever stuff of varying quality pops up here.

- I wouldn't care TOO much if I didn't get as much attention as i hoped i would've.

- I don't record myself throwing up after drinking an entire gallon of milk, run it through a bunch of computer effects and sell it as another useless "musical release" every 2 hours.

- I'm generally considered to be a very neat person to be around.


...and yeah, that's just about it! So, have a lil' think about it and if you're sure you want to: then fire away.
If your thing doesn't get accepted, please don't feel too bad about it. No hard feelings on our end.

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